International Design 100 Summit Forum 2022
Graphic design, motion graphic
- C
- World Design Cities Conference
- AD
- Du Qin @Tongi University
- D
- Nagisa Chen, Leove Li
我们与 WDCC 品牌视觉团队合作,在 WDCC 2022 的品牌视觉框架下以数字「100」的造型作为核心视觉点,让组合叠加的颜色穿梭于数字内部,数字外侧与外部空间发生互动而扩张、延展。由此构成形式简约且又变化精巧的视觉效果,并将这种自数字设计而生的效果推广至静态的平面物料中运用。
The International Design 100 Summit Forum is one of the iconic events of the World Design Cities Conference, co-sponsored by the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology and Tongji University. We collaborated with WDCC’s visual design team to build the shape of “100” as its core visual. The superimposed colors shuffle through the interior of the number while the rim of the shape expands and extends. It creates a visual effect that is simple in form but exquisitely variegated in style, and this digital effect is then transferred to physical graphics as well.